Biguá de Villa Biarritz vs Urunday Universitario live stream (26 Jan. 2022, 00:15 UTC)

Hockey match Biguá de Villa Biarritz (Uruguay) - Urunday Universitario (Uruguay) watch online live video. Start the fight January 26, 2022 at 00:15 UTC)

John Brooks’ job security is probably gone. And it’s a harmless U.S. Lletget unleashes a shot that nearly takes Pefok’s head off but instead goes just wide of the post. OUT: Aaronson, Pefok, Lletget IN: Roldan, Sargent, Konrad Pulisic stays." 81 min: Have we mentioned that the USA hasn’t made a sub aside from putting in Yedlin for the injured Dest? The crowd is not happy." 86 min: And Pulisic puts it over the bar. Kaye sends a long shot just over the bar. Only three minutes of stoppage time." 89 min: Canada’s Sam Adekugbe holds things up by going down with an apparent cramp.
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