ICE-HOCKEY - Switzerland. National League

Rapperswil-Jona Lakers vs SC Langnau Tigers live stream (17 Jan. 2022, 18:45 UTC)

Hockey match Rapperswil-Jona Lakers (Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland) - SC Langnau Tigers (Switzerland) watch online live video. Start the fight January 17, 2022 at 18:45 UTC)

Although, he lost a lot of possession early on. Riccardo Marchizza (6.2/10) : Riccardo played on the extreme left in the defence unit. Elseid Hysaj (7.6/10) : Hysaj was a rock solid when it came to Ariel or ground battles, he won them all with a 100% record at that. Ciro Immobile (7/10) : Immobile was landed with the opportunity to take the Penalty and he took it with open hands. He made 4 clearances, blocked a crucial shot, won an interception and four tackles. He made a few good passes and won a few balls for his team.
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